Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Cat-tastic: Painting From Sketches

It's been Cat-tastic around here.  Last post I hadn't finished these two kitty paintings yet, so
here are the finished pieces:


In the top painting, instead of masking fluid  to make the whiskers, eyelashes, and fine hairs stand out in white, I used a concentrated amount of white paint on my paper after all of the paint had a chance to dry.  Either technique would have worked, but sometimes masking fluid takes quite a bit of prep and forethought.  I just wanted to wing it.
The second painting needed some color to spruce up the background so I used this brilliant blue hue painting wet into wet  to create almost a sky effect.  After the painting was finished, I scanned it again with a cute little birthday hat to have as an option on my website for birthday cards.  Nothing like a cute little pouty cat to say "Happy Birthday" to the one you love.
Off to work on a custom Pub painting....
Happy Painting!   

Friday, July 5, 2013

Summertime and Kitty Sketches

This time of year in Tucson is pretty darn hot.  But we still try to make the best of it.  Some days, before I head into my studio, my girls and I like to check on our garden.  We have to have to be outside by 7 am though, or we will just head back in after just a few minutes.  So- the other day we were out by 7 and the morning was quite nice.
The Mexican Oregano (great for homemade salsa) has taken off and we cut some to hang and dry out- which on 105 degree days happens quickly. 

The basil, as it does every year this time, has quadrupled in size, and we need to start harvesting.  This is a good time to make pesto!  Basil plants create the smallest little black seeds.  Great for next season.

After time outside, it is nice to come into the cool house and draw.  I have been working on a couple of little kitty sketches.  Here is what I have so far:

I will keep you posted on how the finished watercolors turn out, but I kind of like just the pencil too.  After this little project, time for some Irish Pub painting...that will have to wait for another day :O)
Happy Weekend!!