Friday, January 3, 2014

Art after the holidays

It has been a while~ the holidays were busier than I could have prepared for.  I did come close to running out of some supplies completely...but thankfully, all emails were returned, everything was sketched, painted, printed, packaged and shipped.  YAY!

I wanted to share some of the wonderful projects that have kept me busy over the past few months.  The most requested original pieces were Custom House Paintings: 

These houses are always such great projects.  There are so many architectural features that require such attention to detail, I feel like I get to know the house, in a way.  The stories of each of these projects can be found in my shop:  Dusty Shamrock Studio by clicking on each individual house in the Custom Paintings section.

Hope everyone's year is off to a great start!

New Year's plan: organize studio :o/  (again)